Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Wow, I still cannot believe it is officially 2014! I feel like 2013 flew by! I hope everyone had an amazing New Years Eve and New Years Day, I had a blast. I went to Austin, Texas to stay with one of my friends and we went out on the town New Years Eve and had a lot of fun dancing 2013 away. It is somewhat bittersweet to see such a monumental year of mine leave, but all of the things that happened in the past year are just more motivation to make 2014 an amazing year. Everyone always says "New year, new me", but I don't think people need to change themselves for the new year, just find the things in their lives that need work on and make those their New Year's Resolutions! In my last post I listed some things about my resolutions for 2014 but I think I have officially come up with a pretty solid list. I also think it is good to add on throughout the year. Making this list doesn't mean it is frozen and you can't add anything to it in the middle of the year. 

I decided that with all the new changes in my life I wanted to go above and beyond with my list and turn it into a fun project and make a poster of mine which now hangs up across from my bed so every day when I wake up that is what I see. 

The poster:
To go into greater detail:

Number One:
I am determined to lose the rest of my weight to reach my final goal weight of around 130-135. I need to lose 64 pounds total. I have a time frame in my head of when I want to lose the weight by, but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. I wanted to lose the weight by my birthday which is April 27th but I don't want to push myself too hard and disappoint myself if I didn't reach that so I am just saying by the end of the year.

Number 2:
I just recently painted my room and re did my room you can say. It went from being a teenagers cave with turquoise walls and my friends painted their names and sayings on one wall, to a de-cluttered room with now light tan walls. I love it so much more, but it still needs some finishing up and I want to get it done! For example, I still need curtains, a full length mirror, new bedding, and more decorations here and there. So that would be nice to cross off and finally finish, I hate unfinished projects!

Number 3:
Learning piano is something that I have always wanted to perfect. I took lessons a long time ago but only took them for a short while and didn't learn anything. I absolutely love classical music and I can listen to piano music for hours! It is so magical and peaceful, so I really want to learn a song that I have been loving forever. It is by the musician Yiruma, but I am not sure which exact song I want to learn of his yet, they are all amazing!

Number 4:
Reading is one of my favorite past times and I have a stack of books that I have read in the past three years that is growing and growing. There is nothing better than diving into a fresh new book and getting lost in the pages. I like books because to each person the book means something to them differently than it would to me, if that makes sense. So each person has their own attachment and feelings about the book because when you read a book you imagine the characters in your mind (well I do) and so you feel connected to them. I can get through a lot of books very quickly so I know this one won't be a problem but I want to say 5 books is the least amount I want to finish more.

Number 5:
This one is a more new resolution that I just recently found interest in. This past Sunday when I was at church, a guest pastor was preaching about the phrase "If Only", which immediately caught my attention because I always use that phrase. You just have to trust me and listen to the podcast which I will link for you guys to go and listen to it because he is hilarious and it really opened up my eyes to what we are grateful for in our lives. We need stop saying "If only I had more money..." and focus more on the things that we do have like a supportive amazing family etc. 
Here is the link to the video 

Number 6:
Challenge myself weekly. This comes from my horrible anxiety which I am sure you guys know of by now because I have talked about it in previous posts! This past weekend when I went to Austin, I challenged myself by driving there by myself which is huge for me because every time I am responsible to drive long distances and everywhere really, I have an anxiety attack and cannot fathom getting lost. Well, after a huge panic attack I sucked it up and drove up there by myself using my gps on my phone and got there safe and sound! It really taught me to challenge what scares me the most more often because in the end it will help me live my life more but more importantly it will help me get over my anxiety a little more.

Number 7:
Being the best version of myself, and doing the same to my friends. To me, being a daughter, friend and nineteen year old girl, I need to take the good qualities I have and make them come to life more, and share my good qualities with the world. Also, helping my friends be the best versions of themselves will make me happier to see my friends happy.

Well, that is it for my resolutions! I am so excited to see where my blog and everything in my life takes me this upcoming year. I of course will be updating weekly, hopefully daily on my progress for my weight loss and also for everything else! Let me know what some of your resolutions are for the new year! God Bless xoxo 

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