Friday, December 27, 2013

What is to come...

Well ladies and gents, Christmas is officially over! I do not know how I feel about this yet...I am absolutely in love with Fall/Winter and my favorite holiday out of the year is by far Christmas and Thanksgiving so it is always bittersweet to see this time of the year end. I had an amazing holiday season filled with love, family and laughs! My niece is two and a half, and so this season was especially fun to do Christmas activities with her, such as bake Christmas cookies and decorate them, go look at Christmas lights etc. The joy of Christmas has been so low the past couple of years because most people worry about the material side of Christmas and not the real reason for the season which is most importantly the birth of Jesus, but also the time you spend with your loved ones and family.

It makes me so sad to see how the holiday's bring out the worst in some people, such as fighting in stores to get the newest presents. Even though I am getting older and Christmas looses some of it's magic, due to the truth about Santa, and the fact that your parents think it's okay not to do the same traditions that you have done throughout your entire life....(yes that happened). I don't understand why people think just because you're older you don't have to care about Christmas as much because that is certaintly not true. Anyway, getting back on track I am the one friend and family member who always makes sure we do the same traditions and have a magical Christmas no matter how old anyone is. Whether it's baking Christmas cookies and delivering them to neighbors, or caroling while driving around looking at lights, it's all important and always fun! This year was spent with my immediate family and loved ones and I had the best time, and I hope you all did as well.

Now onto the weight loss...this year is always difficult to stay on track and this year I did not induldge as much as I would have in the past, but I did have a Christmas cookie here and there (oops). I didn't blame anyone but myself and I also didn't beat myself up about it because then I would just become discouraged and give up because I always tell myself "Well I already had 3 cookies might as well eat this pizza...). No that is not what I am going to do.

My New Year's Resolution at the end of 2012 was to be below 200 pounds by the end of 2013 and I accomplished that! I still cannot believe I can actually cross that resolution off my list, and 2014 will be no different. I am not going to stop on this journey just because I reached one of my huge milestones, I am going to keep going until I am at my final goal which I want to reach by my 20th birthday, April 27th. I know that I can do it and I need everyone's support to get through it! There was something about still seeing my Christmas tree and Christmas decorations up throughout the house that still made me think it was okay about eating bad and eating those darn Christmas cookies. I know it sounds silly that decorations make me eat bad, but it is so I just started upstairs by putting away the 2 Christmas trees (yes I have 2 trees upstairs I told you I am obsessed) and I already feel more pumped to get back on track! I just have to take everything in the entire house down and I will be good to go to start 2014 with a fresh clean start!

In order for me to start fresh with my new years resolutions for 2014 I have a little checklist to begin with. I don't know if I am the only one that does this but here is my checklist to finish by the end of 2013.

1. Deep clean and organize my room/bathroom
There is honestly no better feeling than having a super clean room and bathroom, ontop of having everyone organized! I want to start my new year with a fresh clean start and that means cleaning the rooms I am most in.
2. Throwing out every single bad item of food in our home. All of those pesky Christmas cookies staring at me, all of the Brie cheese and crackers from Christmas, and all of the opened half eaten left overs in the fridge.
3. Lastly making an actual New Year's Resolution list to hang up in my room

My New Year's Resolutions for 2014:
Lose the rest of my weight by April 27th 2014, a grand total of 66 pounds.
Finish decorating my room
Have a better relationship with God
Plan my future regarding school and career
Save up the rest of my money to buy my Macbook Pro and DSLR Camera
Begin my YouTube channel (more about that in a future post)
Be 110 percent committed to my blog
Travel to at least 2 places by myself (future in depth post about this later)

I am sure there are plenty more, but those are the main ones I can think of right now! I will make a more in depth post explaining the reasoning behind each one of my resolutions in the future,  but for now here is my list! To some people, making this list upsets them and intimidates them because they either never fulfill their resolutions so it makes them feel like a failure or they just don't have enough faith in themselves. I never used to think that I would be so into New Year's Resolutions because I never fulfilled them, because I myself didn't have faith in myself. That was up until this year when I broke not one but 2 of my New Year's Resolutions (the other one was personal) and I finally realized that I can do anything I set my mind to!

So, on that note I hope 2014 is ready for me and all of my encouraging energy! I am ready for this year to be over with. 2013 was one of the worst years of my short life, and also one of the best. I didn't think you could have one of the best and one of the worst years of your life all in one year at the same time, but I did. I went through and am still going through the single most darkest time in my life this past year struggling even worse with my anxiety but being introduced to depression which I always told myself I would never let myself be depressed but it is not something you necessarily stop. Anyway, it was one of the best years of my life because I decided to do something about my weight issue and I have come so far and have lost 64 pounds! Also, not only did I decide to do something about my weight, I decided to change all of the aspects of my life that were negative and that weren't benefiting me. I feel a lot better going into the new year, but I have a strong feelings this upcoming year is going to be one for the books and I cannot wait to bring you guys along for the ongoing journey! Comment down below if you are as excited as I am, and share some of your New Year's Resolutions!

See you all next year!


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