Monday, January 6, 2014

Pick me ups!

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having an amazing New Year so far! I have been having a pretty good one, but I dreadfully am starting to get those winter sniffles...NO! What my dad and I do when we start to feel yucky is try to sleep and drink as much water and vitamins as we can! Also medicine helps too! 

One way I always like to pick myself up, not just if I feel sick but if I feel heavy and I have been maybe eating heavy is a smoothietexture person when it comes to food (let's not talk about tapioca pudding...). Anyways, since I feel sick I knew the perfect lunch for me, which fills me up just as much as if I would have a normal sized lunch which is awesome because of how low the calorie intake is. 
. Today as I am writing this, I am sipping on a smoothie that I just made with my handy dandy NutriBullet which I am obsessed with! I love love love fruit, it is a great way to subside my sweet tooth late at  night, and is also a perfect way to get your vitamins in. I personally only like a couple of fruits which my favorites are, Grapes, Apples, Watermelon, Oranges, Pineapple and Strawberries. Those are about the only ones that I can think of that I like all which make a yummy smoothie! I usually do not like smoothies, because I am a major

Today's ingredients:
-Handful of strawberries
-Half of an apple
-Frozen pineapple chunks
-Skim Milk
-Emergen-C packet 

Just throw everything into the NutriBullet and blend away and enjoy! (Ended up not using the Spinach)

Now to talk about the last ingredient that I threw in when I was done. These are life savers for my dad and I, they are called Emergen-C packets, but this picture of mine above is the Kroger brand. They are basically packets of powder that has 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 7 B Vitamins which doesn't immediately make you feel better, but Vitamin C is known in large doses of it to eventually boost your immune system and make you feel better! Whatever I can do to make myself feel better I will! My dad makes a Protein smoothie every single day after he gets back from the gym and throws one of these in with his smoothie and he has not gotten sick in quite awhile so I know it works. They have multiple flavors, but the one I have today is the Raspberry Flavor and it honestly tastes really good with my fruity smoothie you cannot even taste it!

Besides a lot of water, smoothie, and Vitamins, the best way to make yourself feel better is sleep and hot baths. I had a long hot bath last night to try and release some of the congestion I had in my nose and it did help me sleep a little better. Also try to rub Vicks Vapor rub on your nose and around your nostrils and also on your chest, because while you sleep it will help your nasal passages to clear up so you can breathe through your nose which I cannot at the moment!

Besides being sick, I am still on track and motivated about my weight loss and am still eating healthy, here and there (oops). We are all human and sometimes make mistakes but it is not something I am going to beat myself up about and it just means that today I have to make sure I eat amazing and do something to get my body moving. I hope all of you guys are making your 2014 Resolutions list and getting organized, this year is the year for each and every one of us and it is up to us to make this year amazing!


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