Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I can eat this?!

When you are dieting, protein is one of the most important nutrients your body needs to be successful. I personally never have been a fan of protein bars such as "PowerBar" or "Cliff Bars" because I feel like they do not give me any energy and they are packed full of sugars and calories! One bar has around 270 calories...YIKES! I would rather save those calories for something of more substance if that makes sense. BUT the reason for this post is because I have found a sort of 'protein bar' that I actually really like and don't feel bad about eating!

They are called Fiber One Bars Protein 'Caramel Nut' flavor - Here is the website where they talk about all of the details!

These are just the only ones that I have tried but I love them!
Nutritional facts:
Calories: 130
Total Fat: 6g
Sugar: 7g
Fiber: 5g
Protein: 7g
WOW! I have one every morning with my cup of coffee and I am actually full for a couple of hours until around 11 a.m. I can't wait to try all of the flavors and I hope you will too! 

Ice cream has been an American favorite forever, and it is also packed with SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR and calories...One of my favorite desserts to have is a bowl of Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream...Mmmm..
Okay focus Dee, anyway so with this bad sweet tooth that my mom generasly passed down to me (thanks mom) we could literally eat anything with chocolate or any type of dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Its bad. On that note I passed by my local grocery stores 'organic' and healthy section and decided to stop by. I have always loved the idea of eating only organic food and eating clean, but it is so expensive! And also some of the things I think are pointless to eat organic and they just put organic on the label so people like me will pick it up and buy it twice the price when it really maybe only has a couple more grams of protein or 5 less calories than other low cal stuff. I can go on forever about organic food, hm future blog post?
Okay ADD get back to the ice cream because I know that is the only thing you came here to read, I don't blame you!

So, I noticed these healthier ice creams and I was a huge non believer in the healthy ice cream because every other type that I have tried tasted awful. I was in the midst of a huge sweet tooth craving and went ahead and picked up this ice cream that need me remind you was $5 for a pint! BUT it was all worth it! This stuff is seriously amazing and you cannot taste the difference between the real stuff and this healthier version! And trust me, I can be the judge between desserts. 

It is called 'Almond Dream' Non Dairy Ice Cream:

I personally wanted to try the 'Mint Chocolate Chip' flavor to taste the difference and NONE!

The Ingrediants:
filtered water, cane juice, almonds, expeller pressed oil (sunflower and/or safflower and/or canola), tapioca maltodextrin, dark chocolate chips (evaporated cane syrup, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla), contains 2% or less of potato starch, guar gum, carob bean gum, carrageenan, soy lecithin, natural flavors, sea salt. CONTAINS: ALMONDS AND SOY. Manufactured in a plant that uses peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat and other tree nuts.
Almonds and Soy. Manufactured in a plant that uses peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat and 

What I think is awesome about this frozen dessert is that it is dairy free so if you have family members that are lactose intolerant (a.k.a my dad) they can enjoy ice cream like everyone else and it tastes the same! They have 7 different flavors and I cannot wait to try them all. 

I love exploring the grocery store and finding different kinds of new foods that I can try because I am trying to train myself to eat healthy for the rest of my life, so I am learning about new types of ingrediants and new types of foods that I can cook with that will make eating healthy so much yummier! (don't think that is a word, oops!)

Hope everyone enjoyed this blog post and I will be back later with more stay tuned, love you all!


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