Saturday, December 7, 2013


From the title you are probably wondering what this post is going to be about...

Well if you have been following my blog, you will know that I have been posting about one of new years resolutions for the year 2013 and one of my weight loss goals as well. This goal was to loose 60 pounds by December 31st 2013... I started my journey at 260 pounds and around this time last week I made a post that I was 202 and was getting closer and closer to my goal of the full 60!

WELL..I DID IT! I still cannot believe it! I woke up yesterday morning around 5:30 a.m. for some reason and decided to go ahead and weigh myself which was random but I felt like I had been going on a good streak diet wise and that is when I saw the number 199.0 ! As soon as I saw the number I immediately started crying and screamed at the top of my lungs, my dad was still asleep so as soon as he got over the initial shock from me screaming we were both jumping up and down with excitment! I have been non stop talking about this goal of mine since I started this weight loss journey in March of this year and I cannot believe I can actually cross one of my new years resolutions off! I have never been able to do that, and I usually don't make new years resolutions (well only in my mind) I never write them down because then at the end of the year it's usually always a disapointment that I won't be crossing any of them off but this year is different.

When I started this journey to a new dee I was on a mission to not only change my outer appearance, because that was just one of the many things in my life that needed to change. My outlook on life was awful and everything and everyone was my excuse for not doing anything with my life and for my negativity, but since I started this journey my entire outlook on life has changed. I have so much more passion for life and for the meaning behind my life. I remind myself every single day that I have ONE life and I do not want to waste it feeling sorry for myself. I still have a ways to go, but I can literally see in myself the inner changes just as much as the outer ones.

Well enough talking and now to the picture that changed my life! (well not my life but you get what I am saying haha)


I seriously could not be happier and I am so excited to see where 2014 leads me in my journey to a new dee! Thank you to my amazing family, friends and viewers of my blog! Love you all!


  1. Wow! Your accomplishment is amazing!! It gives me hope to carry on in my journey. I get so discouraged!! Please keep going and show us all it CAN be done!

  2. Congratulations! You look great!


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