Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Where have I been?

Hello everyone! I am so sorry I have been absent from here for awhile, I have been going through some personal ups and downs...

BUT! I do have good news...I AM 201! I can literally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have mentioned in previous posts that I wanted to be below 200 pounds before the end of 2013 and I have 1 or 2 if you want to get technical, to go! I have definitely been going off the rail recently and I feel terrible about it but I don't think anyone going through the same journey that I am, never hits low points. To me, its natural. I haven't completely gone off, but I have been eating a random cookie here and an extra slice of pizza there. I am frustrated with myself but I know that it won't stop me from reaching my goals. I know that the reason why I have been cheating lately is because of my emotions. Whenever I used to binge eat, and when I was at my heaviest I would eat for every single emotion. Bordem, sadness, anger, happiness whatever time of day it was I would make an excuse to eat. I have definitely gotten so much better at that, but I since I have been dealing with my anxiety and depression a lot lately I have cheated here and there...oops!

I am not going to give up on myself and I know you guys haven't given up on me either. Thank you for all of your support and love!

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