Sunday, December 8, 2013

More good news?!

The post that I made about me breaking my goal of 200 pounds was so unbelievably overwhelming in an amazing way! I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life and such supportive people surrounding me. I posted a little sneak peak on my Instagram and told everyone who follows me on there (which you all should!) to come here to see what the exciting news and the response was amazing. I got so many text messages saying that because I posted that on Instagram, they came here and are now going to start reading my blog. If I can inspire just one person to go after their goals and get healthy, I am completely satisfied. I am so excited to keep going with this blog and I couldn't have done it without any of you guys!

Anyways, enough with the ramble and onto more good news! Since I weighed myself two days ago and realized that I was 199.0 I buckled down even more with my diet, and was extremely strict and I just weighed myself this morning and I am now 197! I thought the scales were broken or something, how could I lose 2 pounds in two days? I think it is just because I am constantly doing something all day long, and constantly moving and that mixed with an extremely healthy and limited diet will lead to weight loss. And I am not saying I am not eating or eating one meal a day just so that I can lose weight faster! That is the worst thing you can do. I am still eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner I just eat very small portions for my meals and my small portions only consist of very healthy ingredients. Doing this the healthy way has been my goal from the beginning and I am going to come straight out and say that girls out there who think starving themselves, and eating 'a handful of grapes' a day because they want to lose as much weight as possible is doing the complete opposite of what your wanting. You are not filling your body with correct nutrients that it needs to be stable. A stable and well balanced diet is key to weight loss. I have always heard and gone by the quote, "Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise", I strongly believe that because I am not working out every day by any means I just follow a very strict diet and the weight is still falling off, but I do not know if that is scientifically proven or not.

I believe that everyone has their own ways and their own version of weight loss and being healthy and whatever works for you I think you should stick to that (unless its causing you to be unhealthy like starving yourself). The number on the scale is not what makes you healthy, and just being 'skinny' does not necessarily make you healthy. I have had friends who are 'skinny' but their health was not good by any means. It is all up to the person and their metabolism.

Well I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, but I have been experimenting with weight loss for so long now, and I am seeing results so something that I am doing must be working and if I can motivate just one person to do this along with me I will be satisfied, but I also want everyone to be healthy. Oh lord, I feel like I have been on another rant session on my soap box he-he

Anyways, sorry for the rant but I just want you to all know that I appreciate everyone and wish everyone good luck on your start to your healthy lifestyle or keep it going to those who have already started! We all have to stick together! Love you all!

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