Friday, August 15, 2014

Inspiration & Motivation

Our day to day lives can get extremely hectic and chaotic therefore causing our health to sometimes be put on the back burner. I myself am not perfect and can say that yes sometimes I loose motivation, but the most important thing is to never lose sight of your goals.Today I am going to share with you some of the things I do and some things I keep on me on a day to day basis that keeps me motivated to stay on track with my weight loss and healthy lifestyle!

The mornings can be one of the most hectic times of our day, but this time of day is by far the most important when it comes to how the rest of your day goes. 

Waking up with a positive attitude/Drinking a full glass of water first thing when you wake up/Eat a nutritious breakfast

This combination of one of my favorite smoothies to drink in the morning when I don't want something to heavy, or if your like me sometimes I really don't want a hot breakfast. 

Most of us are most likely at work or school during the day so it is extremely important to stay hydrated! Water is your best friend and will help to take your mind off of snacking and eating unhealthy foods. 

There is that time in the morning however where you need to have a snack to hold you over before lunch and these Luna bars are my favorite. They are not too high in calorie or sugar and they are packed full of protein which helps you stay fuller longer. Throw in a fitness/health magazine into my purse and I am good to go! These magazines are the perfect way to stay motivated throughout the day because they are full of before and after stories, healthy recipes, exercise tips and tricks and more! Whenever I am feeling down or unmotivated I always flip through one of these and it helps me to get back on track.

The day is half way over and you should be feeling good after reading your motivational magazine, drinking loads of water right? YAY! Keep going!

When I get home from work the first thing I want to do when I get home is put comfortable clothes on, lay down and watch TV. Now it's okay to do that for a little bit, but don't get too comfortable. This is one of the hardest things for me because I get so physically exhausted that the thought of exercising let alone moving my body sounds awful. But getting up and instead of putting on your pajamas, put on your workout outfit and after your little break get up and get moving! Even though you would think that working out would make you even more tired and lazy, it does the complete opposite. Once you do your hard workout or an at home workout, like this one I do when I don't want to do a hard hitting workout, you feel more energized and will be so proud of yourself! Every time that I do not want to work out and I make myself get up and workout I feel like a million bucks and just think about how that little thirty minutes of exercise will help you tremendously in the end. 

After you workout it's time for more water (obviously) and a nutritious healthy dinner made with only fresh ingredients!

At the end of the day, you are only human. I know you're thinking well "Obviously Dee I know I am human..." but what I mean is that no body is perfect and we all make mistakes but instead of focusing on the mistakes we make, focus on all of the positive things we have accomplished. Make a before and after picture of yourself if you are on your journey and keep it on your phone. Whenever you are feeling discouraged look at that photo and pat yourself on the back! If you are just starting out (by the way, good for you and I am so proud of you and believe in your one hundred percent), find a picture of anything that gives you motivation for why you are changing out lifestyle and set that as your background on your phone. Heck, even take a picture of yourself right now, print it out and tape it onto your refrigerator so every time you go to get something, your remind yourself of your goals! 

Before bed to get some motivation for the next day (or maybe it's just because I am addicted to them..) but I love to get on pinterest and tumblr for inspiration. On my pinterest I look up everything from healthy recipes, fitness and exercises ideas, fashion, beauty home decor etc. Most of my healthy recipes have come from hours of searching on pinterest as well as some amazing exercise tips! Tumblr has thousands of different blogs for anything you want! I am on tumblr more than I would like to admit...but this is where I find inspiration for not just health but for everything. It is almost like an online diary of pictures and quotes that either relate to my life or that inspire certain aspects of my life. Mainly fashion, and other creative artistic pictures! 

Make sure to follow me on Pinterest and Tumblr to see all of the things that motivate and inspire me!

The last thing I promise (sorry this post is so long) is my beloved journal. I would not be the same person without this thing...well technically I am still the same person, but you guys know what I mean. When I started my healthy lifestyle and changing everything in my life I needed a physical outlet to let out all of my emotions. Those ranging from anger, to exciting and meaningful things that happened in my life to all of my ups and downs. When I have ideas and thoughts running through my  head, I grab my journal and write it all down. 

To me if you are thinking about changing certain aspects of your life or if you are thinking about starting a new journey, I would highly suggest getting a journal to track and write down all of your ups and downs so that you can go back and see how far you have come. This is what I did as well as this lovely blog, and I am so glad I did because I can go back and read about how I felt when I wasn't doing as well on my journey and how I motivated myself to get back on track. It is one of the most rewarding things to look back on and probably one of the main things that motivates me! 

I hope this post helped you guys in anyway whether you just wanted to know what motivates me or if you need ideas on how to get yourself back track! I love you guys and thank you again for sticking with me through all of ups and downs (:

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