Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Hello everyone! Before you yell at me, I just wanted to say I am so sorry for being absent for so long! A couple of ups and downs in my personal life caused me to get stuck in a rut which showed through my blog and I apologize.
When it comes to my diet and healthy lifestyle journey, I have definately let myself slip up which I hate to admit because if I am admitting here to you all it means it's real and it means that I have to pull myself together and get back on track! I think it's normal to have rough patches when on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my short lived life and I think other people who have switched to a healthy lifestyle can agree with me. It takes an extremely strong willed individual to make the decision to change their life for the better and to more importantly keep it up through their day to day lives. Every single day you're going to be thrown curve balls in the form of donuts, soda, fast food, elevators instead of stairs etc. Making the right healthy decisions every single day when all you want to do is sit on the couch with a bowl of ice cream and watch a movie will make you even stronger and will help you in the end. I know I can do it, and I definatly know you all can do it!
I am at the point now where I haven't completely gone back to my old ways by any means, but I have been making excuses for myself when it comes to eating certain foods and not working out. There are no excuses when it comes to eating healthy and exercising! I don't want you all to think that I am giving up on my journey to a new dee, or that I am quitting because that is definatly not the case at all! I am just going through a little rough patch which I have gone through once before last year half way through my journey for almost one month and I picked myself back up and got out of it and continued on my journey. I just have to remind myself daily how much I have accomplished because when I am down on myself and all feel like doing is laying on the couch, I have to remember that I have lost almost 100 pounds and I am only 20 years old. I am strong and I can do anything I set my mind to.

I just wanted to make a quick post letting you all know that I am back and ready to get back to work! I have been brainstorming a lot and have so many amazing new ideas and posts to share with you all! I hope you guys haven't given up on me because I am still here!

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your back! Stay strong and stay the coarse! You deserve it!


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