Saturday, June 7, 2014

Watermelon Rosemary Lemonade

Summer is here and that means one thing..LEMONADE. Being one of my all time favorite drinks, lemonade unfortunately can hold a lot of sugar which is not the healthiest. Why I love this particular lemonade is because it doesn't taste like any other normal lemonade you buy from the store and is made out of so few ingredients. I found this Watermelon Rosemary Lemonade recipe from Tone It Up. As soon as I saw a this recipe I knew I had to try it out and it has quickly become my new go to summer beverage. 

This was such an easy recipe and what I love about it is how there are no unknown ingredients in it with weird chemicals. It makes enjoying this drink that much more knowing what you are putting into your body and you aren't loading up with a bunch of sugar and calories. 

Watermelon is already one of my favorite fruits and lemonade being one of my favorite summer beverages, this combination is perfect. Adding the rosemary was different and I have never really tried rosemary or cooked with it before so I was excited to see how it tasted with the watermelon and lemons, and they went together so smoothly!

Look at what a beauty that watermelon is...ah it just screams summer doesn't it? There is something so satisfying about cutting open a watermelon and seeing the vibrant color. What I found that worked the best when measuring out your watermelon was using a ladle and scooping it out into a bowl. 

I seem to always have lemons in the kitchen because I use them for just about everything. From recipes, to face masks and beauty treatments. They are full of antioxidants and vitamins and I consider them sort of a super fruit! Using fresh lemon juice instead of the pre-packaged lemon juice in the bottle, gives this recipe even more of a tang and freshness. 

After you have all of your ingredients measured out, all you have to do is start to put all of them together into your preferred canister. This recipe will make a couple of servings so make sure to keep the rest of your lemonade in the refrigerator and it should last for a couple days.

All of these ingredients are fresh and can be found either in your kitchen already or at any grocery store. I can just see myself this summer making this lemonade all the time. I hope you guys try it out!

What you need:

- 6 lemons
- 3 cups watermelon
- 3 sprigs rosemary
- 4 cups water
- 3 tbsp agave nectar
- 4 packets stevia

 What to do:

1. Combine 2 cups of boiled water, rosemary and agave nectar and let sit for thirty minutes.
2. During the thirty minutes, blend your watermelon in a blender into a liquid. When the thirty minutes is up take the rosemary water and pour into your canister leaving the rosemary sprigs out. 
3. Take your watermelon and pour into the canister along with the remaining 2 cups of water, the juice of 6 lemons, and your stevia. Mix well, pour into a glass and enjoy!

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