Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Evolution of Dee & Updates!

Hello my friends! Let me just start off my saying how much I love you all for sticking with me through this journey and watching me change physically and mentally and supporting me through everything. I have gotten an overwhelming amount of support from my friends and family that keep me going day to day. It absolutely warms my heart to hear my peers talk about how proud they are of me and how much of an inspiration I am. I never really stop and really think about all that I have accomplished and I get reminded every time someone says something about how good I look or how proud they are of me. I don't want to sound braggy or like I am bragging because I am the last person that likes a lot of attention on themselves but I just wanted to share how blessed I am and actually how proud I am of myself for sticking to something for the first time and following through with losing weight!

Anyway you may be asking what is this "Evolution of Dee" that you saw in the title? Well I haven't posted an updated picture of me in a long time, actually I don't think I have posted a full length picture of myself besides my before pictures! Late one night I couldn't sleep so I decided to try my best to make a picture collage of pictures of me throughout this journey and so you can see how much my body has changed while losing weight. It's so crazy to look at myself in the beginning of this journey and to now look at myself today because I can't even recognize myself in that first picture. I have people all the time pass by me and then stop and turn around and do a double take because they didn't recognize who I was! So enough of the rambling here is the "Evolution of Dee" up until this point, I still have awhile more to go (;

AH this is so crazy! I am so excited to continue on this journey and to hopefully have more professional pictures of me coming soon, sorry about the iPhone pics! Thank you to everyone who has been there to support me and this blog because this was honestly the best decision I have ever made and it is never too late to change your life. I NEVER thought that I could lose this amount of weight ever and I surprised myself and and now know that the quote "You can accomplish anything you set your mind to" is completely true. There is no one or nothing stopping you but yourself, and you are capable of accomplishing anything your heart desires. I hope I can inspire some of you to do the same or to do something else you have always been wanting to do! I love all of you so much and thank you again for everything! I hope you guys aren't sick of me yet, because I am going to keep improving and keep posting on my blog and it can only go up from here! 

Updated Weight & Inches

Starting weight: 260 lbs
Current weight: 170 lbs

Starting pant size: 18
Current pant size: 6

Starting chest measurement (band on my bra): 46 inches
Current chest measurement: 36 inches

So that is 90 pounds gone, 6 pant sizes down, and 10 inches lost around my upper body...I haven't measured anything else but that is crazy, and AMAZING! Ah I still can't believe it! I hope you all enjoyed this updated post and I will back to share some of my favorite summer lemonade recipes, love you all!

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