Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Grilled Chicken & Brown Rice Lettuce Wrap Recipe

I have a delicious and healthy recipe to share with you all today! Last night I knew that I wanted to get creative in the kitchen and had seen similar recipes to this one online but I wanted to create my own. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make this same recipe or you can use mine as a starting point and put whatever you heart desires on top! 

What you need:

- Romaine Lettuce hearts (2)
- Tyson Grilled & Ready frozen chicken strips
- Bag of frozen brown rice
- 1 clove of garlic (minced)
- 1/4 cup diced purple onion
- 1/2 of a green bell pepper diced
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Pam non stick spray

What to do:

1) Place your frozen bag of rice in the microwave
2) Spray your skillet w/ non stick spray and start to cook your chicken strips
3) While your chicken is cooking, dice and mince your veggies
4) After chicken is done, place in a separate bowl
5) Drizzle small amount of EVOO in your skillet and saute your veggies
6) Take your leaves of lettuce and quickly rinse them in cold water and pat down dry
7) Layer your ingredients, rice then chicken and then veggies on top
8) You can either roll them up or just dive in!

These are extremely messy because the lettuce isn't that sturdy so what I just ended up doing is pinching the sides in and eating that way. Just make sure to grab a fork and a napkin because there will be a lot of fallout! You could even drizzle some low sodium soy sauce on top which would add some delicious flavor, but I opted for no sauce to keep the calories and sodium down. These are so good and I am definitely going to be making these all the time for lunch and dinner! You could even put all of the ingredients that I listed into a pita pocket if you do not like the idea of the lettuce leaves. I hope you guys try these out and enjoy them as much as I did!

As always,

Stay Beautiful 

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