Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just some thoughts...

Happy Saturday everyone, today I wanted to share some thoughts with you all that has been fogging up my mind for the past couple of days. Recently in my life, there has been one too many deaths that have either effected my close personal friends or other family friends that I was close to. I know that death is apart of life and it is one thing that all of us eventually are going to deal with, but recently it seems like it has been happening way too often. 

We all go through our lives planning out what our life is going to be like. I know as a kid I would  sit and plan out how my life was going to be when I 'grew up'. I would grow up to create and run my own fashion/beauty magazine and live in a huge house with my husband and two kids. Oh and somewhere between running a family and a major business I would have time to travel the world and live in Paris. That dream can still become a reality, I have no doubt in that, but I have recently realized though that life doesn't revolve around you or your dreams. Life is going to keep on going and bad things that weren't in your plans are going to happen that you are going to have to deal with. 

So with that said, isn't it time that we start really living? I know that we are living and breathing right now, but are we really living our lives? Are you waking up every single day excited to go to work or school? Are you crossing things off of your bucket list? All of those ideas and thoughts you have written down on a restaurant napkin tucked away in your journal, are those still apparent? I ask you these questions today because these are the same questions I have been asking myself this past couple of months as I have been along this journey. Most of the songs that I have been listening to, the movies I have been watching, and the books that I have been reading have all centered around the same idea. That idea is to stop wishing you had a certain life or wishing you were majoring in something else, but to go out and do those things because if you don't you will regret it every single day. I try to not have any regrets, but I am human and I can admit that some things I have regretted but I am learning that instead of wallowing in those regrets, I need to move past those and learn from my mistakes. 


-Read more books
-Laugh until you cry
-Go to the movies by yourself if no one wants to go
-Buy that shirt that you love
-Listen to more music (loud)
-Sing in the car even if people are watching
-Dance on your way to class even if people are staring
-Kiss that boy that you have been dreaming about
-Pick one thing off of your bucket list for each year and make sure it happens
-Go to the beach for the day
-Have a picnic in the park
-Wear that outfit that makes you feel good
-Spend as much time with your family as you can
-Tell the people you love that you love them every chance you get
-Cry! It's okay to cry here and there
-Sleep in
-Eat that cookie you have been staring at (guilty...)
Be Brave!

I am about to get really cheesy, but all of it is true. Life is short (yes I just said that) and you never know when your last day is going to be. I have seem some of the people in my life go through the most devastating times trying to cope with losing a loved one and it really made me think about how I need to start living my life the way I want to. If you live your life the way everyone thinks you should be, you will never be happy. 

Being young and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life is exhausting and I wish that I could wake up tomorrow and know exactly what I am supposed to do but that is not how life works. I now realize that if I want to for sure find out what I want to do in my life I have to get out of bed and off of Tumblr and go out into the world! My mom tells me this about three times a day and I always respond with "Okay mom, got it", but she is right. No one should settle for a life they wish they didn't have. Every single person on this planet is unique and special, and no one should have to be unhappy. Well as you can tell I can obviously go on about this topic for hours so I won't continue to bore you (: 

I hope that sooner rather than later I will overcome my anxiety and be able to go out and live my life and share all of my thoughts with the world and I believe in myself that I can do it. I have a proposition for you all! The next time you are on any social media, Instagram (mine is dbrownnn), Twitter (@deelizabethh), etc go comment on someones picture giving them a compliment. It could be a total stranger, or it could be a best friend, but when you put positive vibes out into the world, it will come back and bring even more positivity back into your own life. Trust me, when my mom and I are out and I happen to say something bad about someone that we see in a store or wherever my moms stops me and says "Dee, find one good thing about them". This has not only helped me to stop judging or making fun of people (yes I am human and I know all of you have done it as well) but it has helped me become more positive about every aspect in my life. When I am not having the best day and I feel like everything is going horribly, I stop and tell myself "Dee, find one good thing that happened today, and focus on that" or I always always always tell myself "Dee, you are alive, you have ten fingers, ten toes, two arms, two legs and you are healthy". That one is important to remind yourself daily because all of the hardships in our lives can override all of the good things we have in our lives. I take something simple like walking for granted because some people aren't able to walk. You guys get what I am saying, I told you I could go on forever! I was planning on cutting off this post the paragraph before this, hehehe! 

I love each and every one of you guys and all of you are beautiful! Do not let anyone else tell you differently. Go out and make something of today! I have a super interesting post coming to you Monday so come back! 

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