Sunday, February 16, 2014

1 year. 52 weeks. 365 days.


Wow. One year ago today I made the best decision of my entire life. One year ago today exactly I started my "diet" and lifestyle change. I made the decision to change my life for the better and get my life in order. This time last year I went to a bridal shower and it was the first day I had started my diet and had told everyone what I was doing. You can already guess the amount of yummy food there was there...I remember sitting off the side trying so hard not to eat any of the food. I held out for the entire party without eating any of the fattening finger sandwiches and the cupcakes (yes I said cupcakes...). I was so proud of myself, and I was still so new to the entire thing that I didn't know that I probably could have had some of the food just not the cupcakes but I was so determined and I wanted everyone at the party to take me seriously. 

Anyway, this day last year was one of the best days of my life because if I hadn't decided to make the executive decision to change my life then I wouldn't be where I am today. I could not have done any of this if it wasn't for the support from my family. They have been there from Day 1 through it all and I wouldn't take any of it back. It has been the hardest yet most rewarding experiences of my life and I am so glad that I decided to track this journey with all of you. Woo! Getting emotion writing this out, but I am so excited to see how the future plays out and how much more of a change will come with more weight loss. I am almost to my final goal and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

I just wanted to mark this special moment with all of you because you guys are so important to me and because of you all, I am more motivated than ever! We are like a giant support group for each other and I hope that my success and encouragement will help at least one person reading this so they can make the same decision I made to become healthy. 

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE, and stay tuned for so many more exciting posts and milestones. 

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