Thursday, November 7, 2013

It really is important


Ever since I can remember, my parents always talked to me about dreams. Me being little, I thought they were talking about the dreams you have when you go to sleep, but even knowing I did not really understand what they were talking about, they still talked to me every night before bed about my dreams for my future and for my life. As I got older they started to explain their dreams and aspirations for their own lives and it made me look at them in a different but good way. Listening to someone talk about their dreams they have or had for their lives is one of the greatest things you could ever witness. Especially for my dad, because every time he talked to me about the dreams he had for his life as a young child you can literally see him start to glow and light up. I always wanted to know what my dreams were going to be and I always thought that I had to figure out what my dreams and aspirations for life would be by the time I was in high school. Some people are lucky and are born with talents and specific gifts that they know they were meant to do in life such as doctors and teachers. I unfortunately haven't figured out what my dreams are yet.

Every day is a new chance to figure out what your dream may be. And I am writing this today, because I want everyone to know that when your parents or whoever it may be tells you "You can do whatever you set your mind to" or "Whatever you want to do when you grow up, you can" they really do mean it. I always just said "Okay, thanks" and never really took what they said to heart because I had been hearing it since I was little and I always told myself, "Yeah right, I'll never be able to go to the moon", but actually the beauty about the country that we live in is that if set your mind to something that you really want to accomplish you can honestly do whatever it is you set your mind to. Anything is possible if you are willing to put 110% towards it. 

I am so glad that I chose to document my journey of growing up and becoming an adult with all of you, so that I can share my thoughts and I can look back in the future and see what I went through. I know that this is my weight loss blog, but I wanted to make posts about not only my journey of losing weight but my journey of finding out who I am as a person and what I am destined to do in my life. I know that I am getting there but it is going to take time which I am prepared for. The last thing that I want to do in my lifetime is wonder "What If..." that is my biggest fear. I do not want to be old and look back at my life and wish I had taken more time to figure out what my dreams are and follow through with them. 

Sorry if this sounds somewhat repetitive of the previous post but recently I went through something in my personal life that really made me look at my life and really upset me. Without moments like that in your life you wouldn't know how to avoid situations like that in the future. Every day is a new learning experience for me and I may not be where I want to be in my life yet, but I know that I will one day.

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