Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Minutes a Day...


The one word in the human dictionary that everyone hates...
(well along with crisp...blah I hate that word)

Some of us love to workout, a.k.a my dad who lives and breathes to work out.
Me on the other hand does not. I have always hated 'working out' and have never been athletic.
I mean I did soccer, volleyball, and tennis back in the day but that was just because I wanted to be like a normal child hehe. Anyway, in order for me to keep this weight off and to help the process of weight loss go by much faster, I needed to work out. I am the type of person that would rather run in a park, or lift tires rather than walk on a treadmill for an hour. BORING! 

Since I have been on this journey, I have not gotten a gym membership and still figured out how to workout in my own bedroom for 30 minutes a day. THAT'S IT!

I saw this link here on pinterest and thought hmmm that looks easy enough. Boy was I wrong, the first time I did it I was at the beginning of this journey and couldn't get through 5 minutes of it. But I kept doing it every night, and it got easier and easier! Funny how that works! So, I usually walk around my neighborhood and listen to my music on my phone and that is my way to zone out the world and everything that has stressed me out that day. After I power walk, I jog a little bit, and then power walk, jog then power walk etc. I then went into my room and did this exercise that I tagged above.

1. 50 jumping jacks
2. 5 push ups (I did girl ones)
3. 20 crunches
4. 20 mountain climbers
5. 30 second plank

Doing this before each shower really helps keep track of when you have to do it so you have a set time to do it everyday which makes it so much easier. I also got the chance to try out a yoga class at my local gym one morning and let's just say, I FELL IN LOVE. I was so relaxed after and did not know how flexible I was! 
Here is a picture:

So, what I am trying to say is even if you are 700 pounds and think that you cannot work out and that it is impossible IT'S NOT. Just start by walking to the end of your street and then back once a day. Then if you keep doing it you will be able to walk around your entire neighborhood and then start lightly jogging and then before you know it, you'll be sprinting! Keep up the good work everyone and wish me luck as I try out new workouts!

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