Thursday, October 17, 2013

What's on my mind...

This post is not related to weight loss at all, so I apologize but I just feel the need to write down some of my feelings that are clogging my mind up...

Currently in my life, it might seem like I am on top of the world because of the weight loss and what not, but this depression has really gotten to me. Waking up every morning with the right mindset, and with the thought that "something wonderful is going to happen" is all good and dandy but when it comes down to it I am just straight unhappy. It has been like this for the past couple of months which I mentioned in a below post. I don't know if it is just every teenager my age that goes through this phase where nothing makes sense in life or if it is just me. I decided in the summer, that enough was enough and I was going to take the year 2013 as a year to completely reevaluate my life and make my mental and physical health top notch. So as I am sharing my weight loss journey with all of you, I also want to take the time to go through the journey of reevaluating my life and mental health with you all because "The Journey to a New Dee" doesn't only mean my outer appearance, but so much more than that.

One thing that I have noticed that came earlier this year, was my sense of what really is important in my life. Surrounding yourself with only positive and happy people is key to becoming successful yourself. And I know that might sound a little discomforting, but along with working hard, surrounding yourself with positive, and people who are in the same situation you are really helps you to bring out the best in each other.

Another thing that I have noticed, (enough of the heavy talk) is how different my sense of style and personality has changed. Okay, I am not going to lie to any of you because this is me opening up and finding out who I really am, but I used to be in the "party" crowd a couple of months ago and I was never home. I mean gone straight out of school until late at night hanging out with all of my friends which I thought was the most important thing in my life at the time. I did not have my priorities straight at all and was putting my friends infront of my physical health, and my mental health. Now it has definatly changed. I can't tell you good it feels to focus on myself for a change and I know that might sound selfish but in all honesty focusing on making myself better and only doing things I wanted to do is so refreshing! I have built and amazing strong relationship with my parents and my sister and beautiful niece and have realized alot about what is most important. If my relationship with my parents and family is off, my entire mood and way of living is off.

Anyway! Sorry about all of the blabber but I wanted to open up a little bit more about not only the physical changes that are happening in my life but the personal ones as well. And I by no means are better when it comes to my anxiety and depression but I know how to deal with a lot better now, now that I am becoming one with myself.

Thank you everyone who reads this blog, you are coming along this journey with me as well not just me! Stick around for this amazing journey and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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