Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Wow I might just be the worst blogger, I have not posted in over a month! I am so sorry and I have not forgotten about my baby!

I know you all must be wondering about my weight loss journey...

I have still been doing my weight loss, BUT I have kind of lost a little bit of momentum which happens every time I try to diet but like I said from the beginning I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!

I have not gained any of the weight that I have lost, but I am also not loosing any either which needs to change.

I have found something new to try besides the military diet which I am still going to do here and there!

This isn't really anything major it is just a detox drink that I found on Pinterest that I really want to try out!

This is called The Apple and Cinnamon Detox Water!

All you need is one small apple thinly sliced with one cinnamon stick and water! You just have to put it in the refridgerator for about 10 minutes before you drink it so it can get cold and you still eat throughout the day but very healthy. It is just supposed to boost your motabolism and help you loose weight. You can refill the water up to 3-4 times before you have to replace the apple slices and the cinnamon but I think this is just a really simple and easy drink to make and drink as my main source of liquid throughout the day and I am excited to see the results!

Please leave a comment if you have any other good ideas for me to try, maybe detox drinks or detox smoothies would be awesome! Love you guys and I promise I am going to keep my blog up and keep you guys updated!


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