Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Day 1 is complete and I didn't die! WOOH! Time to celebrate with a smoothie instead of a cupcake!
It has already been a challenge due to the fact that I started so suddenly and on Fat Tuesday (; haha
I have so many people with me supporting me along the way that there is no way I won't be able to fail! I also have my best friend doing it with me!
       It makes it so much better that you have someone so close to you helping you out along the way !
We both agreed on loosing weight because we both agreed, "Hey, we are already gorgeous and have a good personality, do you know what we would be like with a hot body?!" Hahaha

So on that note, here's what Day 2's breakfast looked like!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE strawberries! One time I ate an entire box and still wanted more! I guess I make up for my hatred of vegetables with fruit. Right? I love every kind of fruit! I had a little cup of coffee with a tablespoon of coffee creamer...I know it's one of my habits I have to kick!

Today I will most likely go on a walk around my neighborhood so I can take it slow!

And before I leave check out this to die for outfit I can't wait buy when I lose weight (:


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